Automate Service by Email

According to Florida Rule 2.516, firms that provide services by email must follow a strict set of guidelines in order to be in compliance. Here are some of the items that must be included with each service:

  • The court in which the proceeding is pending
  • The case number (included in both body and subject)
  • Name of initial party of each side of the case
  • The title of each document served with the email
  • The senders name and telephone number

PerfectLaw® has automated this process to make it seamless with your workflow. Users simply have to mark the contacts on a matter that will participate in the Service By Email program. Next, the documents are selected and the Service By Email icon is clicked. This will open the email for review by the user. Once the email is approved, it can be sent and the interested parties will receive the properly formatted email while a copy of the email will be profiled in the litigation matter. PerfectLaw makes sure your email is properly formatted and the correct attachment types are included.

  • Properly format service emails as per Florida Rule 2.516
  • Send services to parties (up to three email recipients)

NOTE: Service by Email is compatible with all versions of AIM®7 (build 45) and higher. If you are running an older version of AIM® an update may be required. Please click on the help > about menu within your AIM® navigation tool bar to view your installed version.