PerfectLaw All-in-One® Legal Software
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About the Company

Are you an Intellectual Property Firm?

PerfectLaw® was incorporated in 1979 when it began serving the South Florida legal community. Now, more than three decades later, PerfectLaw® continues to serve law firms and legal departments nationwide. The company's stability is evident in its products, its people, and its management. Our focus is on maximizing attorney productivity and increasing your bottom line while not losing sight of customer satisfaction and leading edge technology.

Our clients return to us because we offer NOT ONLY the best product with the latest technology, but the best value and service available. We welcome you to contact our clients (click here to view a few testimonials) or other sources for feedback on our software and others before making your decision.

Our Mission: The design goal of PerfectLaw® Software and the mission of its veteran team of technologists is not only to provide the best in law office products and services, but to help law firms overcome the fear of new technology and win the battle for greater productivity!